I Became an Online Teacher

Hello all, how are we doing today?

So something very exciting that I thought I would share with you all is my new little venture where I have became an online tutor aiming to teach children in China, Taiwan and Japan English. This is something extremely new to me as I’ve had no previous teaching experience, you might know that I have a degree in Multimedia Journalism so this is way outta my comfort zone!

It’s actually crazy to me how this came about, it was honestly like a sign from the universe. One day I was on Twitter and saw another blogger mention that she made money by teaching English online, she was a travel blogger (for the life of me I can’t remember her name but I will look on Twitter and let you know) and the job was perfect because she could do the job while moving around, just as long as she had a decent enough WIFI. I kinda thought to myself, oh wow that sounds fantastic and would be ideal especially while we’re all stuck at home, a couple of days later I was browsing Indeed just seeing what was in the area and an ad came on to teach English online … see what I mean about the sign. I applied and was offered an interview the next day, literally the quickest I’ve ever had a response from a job!

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Life Update: Exciting News

No i’m not pregnant, it’s amazing how many people jump to that conclusion when you tell them you have news, I mean my mam would be thrilled but unfortunately it’s not happening today people.

What I do have to share with you lovely lot however is still just as exciting so here we go … I got a new job! You are looking at (kinda) a soon to be Broadcast Journalist, I know I can’t believe it either.

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