I Became an Online Teacher

Hello all, how are we doing today?

So something very exciting that I thought I would share with you all is my new little venture where I have became an online tutor aiming to teach children in China, Taiwan and Japan English. This is something extremely new to me as I’ve had no previous teaching experience, you might know that I have a degree in Multimedia Journalism so this is way outta my comfort zone!

It’s actually crazy to me how this came about, it was honestly like a sign from the universe. One day I was on Twitter and saw another blogger mention that she made money by teaching English online, she was a travel blogger (for the life of me I can’t remember her name but I will look on Twitter and let you know) and the job was perfect because she could do the job while moving around, just as long as she had a decent enough WIFI. I kinda thought to myself, oh wow that sounds fantastic and would be ideal especially while we’re all stuck at home, a couple of days later I was browsing Indeed just seeing what was in the area and an ad came on to teach English online … see what I mean about the sign. I applied and was offered an interview the next day, literally the quickest I’ve ever had a response from a job!

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I’m a Vegetarian

Hey lovelies, how are we all?

So something that I wanted to write a little about is my recent decision to give up meat and become a Vegetarian, don’t worry this isn’t going to be one of those posts where I urge you to do the same and tell you all about the animal industry, it’s just a life choice I’ve made and wanted to share it with you all.

I had been toying with the idea of giving up meat for a while, I think my guilty conscious just caught up with me because every time we would drive past a lamb or a cow I would just feel awful, not to mention Martin used to work on a farm so has filled me in with all the ins and outs, which breaks my heart. Like I said I don’t want this to be a pushy blog post so if you’d like any info from me about what goes on then just let me know and I’ll do a separate post.

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It’s Me

Hey everyone, how are you? I hope you’re all doing great!

So I know I’ve been a little MIA for a few weeks and for that I’m so sorry, I mean not that you’re all sat there asking yourself “where’s Carolanne these days?” Anyway just in case you might be a smidge interested why I’ve been absent from the blogging world I thought I would just do a quick post filling you in.

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Just Checking In … Again

Hey everyone so I thought I would do another little update about how I’m getting on during lockdown, probs should tell you now that this might be a bit depressing so if you’re here for laughs and stuff then today ain’t the day I’m afraid.

This week has been really, really tough, ain’t gonna lie I’m struggling being in this house. I mentioned in my previous check in post that Martin’s family who I’m in lockdown with are not practicing the social distancing rules and it just keeps on getting worse. His mam is literally out the house every day, sometimes twice a day, his sisters are coming and going as they please even though two of the three don’t live here and I really don’t know how much more of it I can take … I’m truly scared that this is going to cause me some sort of mental breakdown because I cant cope! It’s like they can’t get it into their heads the risks that doing this can have on everyone else, like I said in my previous post not being in control of my own health is awful.

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Things To Do During Lockdown

Hey you cool cats and kittens … sorry I couldn’t help myself!

So I know that now we’re reaching week three of lockdown, boredom is definitely starting to settle in … I know for me it is anyway! I’ve been trying to keep myself occupied so I thought I would share a few little ideas with you in the hopes of easing your pain even a tiny bit.

Do an Easter Egg Hunt – You don’t need to have kids in your household to have some fun with chocolate, the other day I decided to make a lil hunt for my boyfriend by hiding some eggs around the house and writing clues for him to help find them … honestly why am I so fun? For the person hiding the eggs and coming up with the clues this will probably occupy more of your time than the one whose actually finding them, let me tell you thinking of clues that rhyme can be tricky. Martin enjoyed it, well at least he said he did but he got lots of chocolate from it so I’m sure he’s happy. Not gonna lie I wish he would think of these fun things for me to do … guess I’m the creative one in this relationship.

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I Need Your Book Recommendations

Howdy guys so today’s post is me asking a lil favour from you people, I know you’re probably thinking, ‘but Carolanne, we come here to get content from you, not to give you stuff’ well apologies but ya’ll are the best people out there so who else better to get some inspiration from?

I’m really wanting to start reading more this year, well start reading again! I used to be such a huge bookworm when I was younger but growing up I’ve kind of lost touch with my love of reading, which is such a huge shame.

Anyway, at night time myself and Martin usually wind down by laying in bed on our phones and I kind of want to break that habit … my obsession with Tik Tok is getting out of hand folks!

So what I want from you lovely lot are some book recommendations, i’m hoping to get my head stuck into some horror, thriller, psychological type of books and would love it if you could point me in the right direction. Anything that’s gonna have me spooked, getting chills or just saying ‘no way’ is perfect!

If you could leave your recommendations in the comments or get in touch on twitter (@carolannedavies) I would greatly appreciate it and I promise the next post will be my usual, hilarious or make up filled post … deal?

Giving Up The Coffee

Hello ladies and gents, today’s post is gonna be another little chatty one so I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to just talk a little bit about my recent decision to give up the cawwwfee (please tell me you read that in a Jersey accent).

This might seem a little boring for some so I don’t mind if you want to head out but I thought it could maybe help others so I’m gonna chat about it anyway. I’ve enjoyed drinking coffee since I was about sixteen, I’d have a cup on a morning most days whether it was before uni or work or just to start off my day, I didn’t really find that it ‘kept me awake’ or get that buzz that some people drink it for, I dunno maybe I was immune ‘cos I’d drunk it for so many years but I enjoyed the taste. Over the years I’ve had a few spells where I’d give it up for a few month’s just because I found I was drinking too much of it and didn’t want it to stain my teeth or it was giving me headaches but then I would find myself slipping back, especially in the Summer months because Iced Caramel Frappes from McDonalds are literally the best!

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How We’re Finding Aberdeen

Heya loves, so as promised a few blog posts ago I thought I would write up something about our ‘kind of’ move to Aberdeen, just to let you all know why we’re here and what the crack is … if you’re interested anyway.

So just a lil background info for anyone who is new here, myself and my boyfriend come from the North-East of England, if you’ve heard of a parmo then you know where about’s that is. Martin’s job as an engineer has him working all over the place so for about two years we were doing the long distance thing and he was just coming home on weekends. Currently he’s placed in Aberdeen and has been here for a while now and is looking to be here for quite a few more months, so one day we were both like ‘why don’t I move to Aberdeen for a bit?” The TV station I worked for has a branch in Aberdeen and after talking to my editor at the time, she was up for me transferring. This would mean more time together during the week and taking the pressure off us to be together each weekend without feeling guilty if we wanted to do something else.

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Things I Wish I Could Say to my Seventeen Year Old Self

If you don’t know I turned twenty seven at the end of January, can someone please tell me how this happened? I feel like I’ve blinked and my twenties are almost coming to an end … slightly dramatic I know but honestly there’s something about getting past that twenty five mark that makes you shit yourself!

Anyway, what I thought would be a good idea is to write a couple of things down that if I could tell my seventeen year old self oh that decade ago, I would. I originally was going to write twenty seven things down but honestly I don’t think I’ll be able to think of that many so we’ll just see how it goes shall we?

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Life Update: Exciting News

No i’m not pregnant, it’s amazing how many people jump to that conclusion when you tell them you have news, I mean my mam would be thrilled but unfortunately it’s not happening today people.

What I do have to share with you lovely lot however is still just as exciting so here we go … I got a new job! You are looking at (kinda) a soon to be Broadcast Journalist, I know I can’t believe it either.

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