Why I’m Finally Embracing My Natural Hair

From about the age of 13/14 i’ve straightened my hair, it started off with just my fringe … cool I know and then I wanted my entire wig to be sleek and straight. My natural hair is curly and I don’t mean like waves here and there, I mean full on original, ginger Annie curls … if you know, you know!

I literally HATED my hair, the amount of times i’ve looked at another girls hair and wished I had hair like theirs is unmeasurable, believe me, hair envy is real. I remember being little and grown ups would be like “you have such beautiful hair” and “look at those curls” but all I wanted was to have straight hair. I got my mam to straighten it with the iron when I was about 16, yes the iron, i’m old now okay this was ten years ago.

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