Pixi Glow Tonic

I was on twitter a few weeks ago asking my fellow Twittorians if anyone could recommend something that would transform my dull, blemished skin into a more radiant, glowing canvas, and of course twitter always delivers due to the absolutely amazing bloggers, youtubers, beauty babes etc. that are out there and willing to share their tips and secrets.

I hear you all asking ‘so what was the verdict?’ well … after a few suggestions the Pixi Glow Tonic led the race by a mile, quite a few people advised me to use it and that it works miracles especially on acne prone skin which is actually something i’ve been lucky enough not to have to deal with but just like everyone else I do get break outs so if it helps tackle those spots, i’m there!

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My Olaplex Experience

26982231_10155829020086815_1047310939_oYou’ve heard of Olaplex, right? I mean it’s literally everywhere in the hair care world now and I feel like it just came from nowhere like one minute i’d never seen, read or heard a single thing about it and the next it was blowing up my Instagram feed.

For those of you who’ve not yet came across Olaplex lemme just give you a little sum up of what it is and what it does. Basically Olaplex is a brand with miracle products that helps bond, strengthen, repair and protect hair from damage caused through bleaching, dying etc. and will be found in your hairdressers’ cupboards just sitting there waiting to transform your locks. Now I’m no hairdresser or hair expert so what I’m telling you here is just what I know/been told and have experienced but I’ll insert a link somewhere in this post to their website for more info.

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Things I Wish I Had Done Before 25

If you read my birthday wish-list post then you’ll know that I have just turned the grand old age of 25 … I mean I can’t deal! Just before my birthday I started reflecting on my life so far, you know as you do (I am not dramatic at all am I) and I randomly just began thinking of some of the things I wish I had done before now, I guess you could call them regrets in a way … I can hear you all now, ‘Oh Carolanne you sound so chipper, I can tell I’m in for a great time here’. I’m not trying to sound like a debbie downer but we all have things we wish we had done sooner or just in general, right?

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I’ve Started A YouTube Channel

Guys, I have some very exciting news but of course if you’ve read the title you’ll know what it is … that’s right your girl has started a bloomin YouTube channel!!!

This is something that i’ve thought about doing for quite a while tbh and even recorded a little video a few months ago but I kinda talked myself out of doing anything else with it, I have this thing where I compare myself to every other living person out there but i’m working on it and trying to snap myself out of it.

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