I Need Your Book Recommendations

Howdy guys so today’s post is me asking a lil favour from you people, I know you’re probably thinking, ‘but Carolanne, we come here to get content from you, not to give you stuff’ well apologies but ya’ll are the best people out there so who else better to get some inspiration from?

I’m really wanting to start reading more this year, well start reading again! I used to be such a huge bookworm when I was younger but growing up I’ve kind of lost touch with my love of reading, which is such a huge shame.

Anyway, at night time myself and Martin usually wind down by laying in bed on our phones and I kind of want to break that habit … my obsession with Tik Tok is getting out of hand folks!

So what I want from you lovely lot are some book recommendations, i’m hoping to get my head stuck into some horror, thriller, psychological type of books and would love it if you could point me in the right direction. Anything that’s gonna have me spooked, getting chills or just saying ‘no way’ is perfect!

If you could leave your recommendations in the comments or get in touch on twitter (@carolannedavies) I would greatly appreciate it and I promise the next post will be my usual, hilarious or make up filled post … deal?

Giving Up The Coffee

Hello ladies and gents, today’s post is gonna be another little chatty one so I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to just talk a little bit about my recent decision to give up the cawwwfee (please tell me you read that in a Jersey accent).

This might seem a little boring for some so I don’t mind if you want to head out but I thought it could maybe help others so I’m gonna chat about it anyway. I’ve enjoyed drinking coffee since I was about sixteen, I’d have a cup on a morning most days whether it was before uni or work or just to start off my day, I didn’t really find that it ‘kept me awake’ or get that buzz that some people drink it for, I dunno maybe I was immune ‘cos I’d drunk it for so many years but I enjoyed the taste. Over the years I’ve had a few spells where I’d give it up for a few month’s just because I found I was drinking too much of it and didn’t want it to stain my teeth or it was giving me headaches but then I would find myself slipping back, especially in the Summer months because Iced Caramel Frappes from McDonalds are literally the best!

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How We’re Finding Aberdeen

Heya loves, so as promised a few blog posts ago I thought I would write up something about our ‘kind of’ move to Aberdeen, just to let you all know why we’re here and what the crack is … if you’re interested anyway.

So just a lil background info for anyone who is new here, myself and my boyfriend come from the North-East of England, if you’ve heard of a parmo then you know where about’s that is. Martin’s job as an engineer has him working all over the place so for about two years we were doing the long distance thing and he was just coming home on weekends. Currently he’s placed in Aberdeen and has been here for a while now and is looking to be here for quite a few more months, so one day we were both like ‘why don’t I move to Aberdeen for a bit?” The TV station I worked for has a branch in Aberdeen and after talking to my editor at the time, she was up for me transferring. This would mean more time together during the week and taking the pressure off us to be together each weekend without feeling guilty if we wanted to do something else.

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Why I’m Finally Embracing My Natural Hair

From about the age of 13/14 i’ve straightened my hair, it started off with just my fringe … cool I know and then I wanted my entire wig to be sleek and straight. My natural hair is curly and I don’t mean like waves here and there, I mean full on original, ginger Annie curls … if you know, you know!

I literally HATED my hair, the amount of times i’ve looked at another girls hair and wished I had hair like theirs is unmeasurable, believe me, hair envy is real. I remember being little and grown ups would be like “you have such beautiful hair” and “look at those curls” but all I wanted was to have straight hair. I got my mam to straighten it with the iron when I was about 16, yes the iron, i’m old now okay this was ten years ago.

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Manchester Weekend

I think i’ve mentioned that Martin (my bf for those of you who don’t know) has been working away the last couple of months, right now he’s placed in Manchester which is only two and a half hours away … thank the lord! So we decided that last weekend I would go see him for a change as he usually travels home, not to mention he actually had to work that weekend so it kinda made sense for me to go if I wanted to see him, which of course I did!!

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Let’s Talk: Life Update Part 2

Hey everyone, so I thought this week’s post would just be a little chatty one letting you all know where I am right now in life and what’s been going on since my last update post in July … I know, I can’t believe it’s been three months, where has the year gone?

I love doing these type of chats with you guys, mainly because I don’t have to think that hard but also because I love reading these kind of posts from other bloggers and find them rather therapeutic, is that weird?

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Baking – Vegan Lemon Cake

What, a baking post, who is this girl?

So one of my favourite things to do is baking, now i’m no Martha Stuart but I find it so therapeutic and I mean who doesn’t love eating delicious treats? If you read my Dabble in the Vegan World   post a while ago then you’ll know my boyfriend Martin decided to go vegan at the beginning of the year so making sweet things for him became kinda hard as I was clueless about vegan baking and food, it’s been a journey let me tell you!

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Old English Company Prints

I’ve been lucky enough to have recently been contacted by Old English Company  and asked to take a look at some of their products and share with you lovely bunch what I think, of course you all know me by now and know that I always give my honest opinion so everything I write below is 100% legit!

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My Dabble in the Vegan World

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all doing really well! So I thought I would just talk to you guys about my experience with vegan food and the vegan sort of lifestyle … don’t worry i’m not going to start preaching at you, telling you why you should ditch the meat and become vegan because well, I hate those types of people *cough Lucy Watson cough* .

So about two months or so ago Martin (my lovely bf) decided that he wanted to try his hand at becoming a vegan, primarily for the health benefits as we used to eat quite a lot of takeaways and fast food which left us both feeling quite bleghhh a lot of the time. So of course I supported his decision and said that I would eat whatever he eats when we’re together (which is 90% of the time) but when i’m away from him I would continue to eat meat and dairy etc because quite frankly I enjoy eating those things … I guess you can call me a part-time vegan. Martin was 100% fine with this, he wan’t pushy or tried to conform me, besides we’re practically joint at the hip so I’d end up eating what he had anyway most of the time.

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Old(ish) Tv Shows I’m Watching And You Should Too

Hey Hey everyone so I thought I would do something a little different for this post and just sit down with you guys and have a lil old chin wag about some of the Tv shows from the past i’ve been loving again. Now when I say ‘shows from the past’ i’m not talking about the ones your Nanna would have watched like Heartbeat … don’t come at me Heartbeat fans, no disrespect.

Nope, the shows I’m watching are a few good ‘uns from a few years ago that have reared their head on our tv screens once again, so let’s get into it.

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